Under The Moon
070 Shake
Under The Moon
070 Shake has made waves since the very beginning of their musical career. Vocalist Danielle Balbuena has a unique, throaty sound that conjoins with an eccentric soundscape to give an otherworldly illusion to each song. The group released several compilations; however, Balbuena created Shake’s debut album Modus Vivendi on her own time.
The album features hits that allude to human relationships, psychedelic use, and societal perceptions, and Shake’s Under The Moon is a good introduction to these themes. The song begins by addressing spirituality and awareness- enforcing the idea that letting spirits (alcohol) inside your blood can lower vibrations- listeners can tie this to the idea that drugs, alcohol, and sex can detach one from one’s true self.
The song concludes with what seems like a struggle between furthering this detachment or shying away from the inherent ‘bad decision’ she has made. She chants for this action to stay hidden;
“What happens under the moon, It stays under the moon.”
As heard by: Lindsay Gruman